We errect these barricades around ourselves:
We must not let anyone know
We cannot show how we feel
Can't, shouldn't, musn't and so on
Until we are surrounded by walls of our own making
We walk around looking for openings
Because finally we realize that the trouble is inside not outside
We discover that the real battle is within us
So we reflect and find people to blame for the walls
And we can always find people:
Friends, family, colleages, past lovers, colleagues, government etc
Often we are right about the hurt but not the identity of the adversary
The adversary is the pain and the hurt
So Don't get mad at the delivery system... Get mad about the hurt
Lower your walls, they're not keeping the pain out anyway!
Lower them for God, let Him get in there to fix it and heal what is hurt
God is not your adversary, He is on your side
Don't let pain trap you behind walls that God can't get through
#Fightpainnotpeople #demolishingwallsofpain #walls #heartbreak #disappointment #pain #Hurts
#Hollyn #LyricsCard #akokeade #LyricCardsCentral