Maybe you've said it, heard it or secretly believe it
These phrases are probably familar to you:
'It has always been this way'
'It will always be this way'
'No matter what i do i always end up here'
'There is no getting out of this'
'This problem is here to stay'
All of these phrases are walls of limitation
Even when you did not create the situation
And even when you did create the situation
Even when getting out is not up to you
Even when getting out is up to you
Never let these phrases be planted in your heart
Never let your mind meditate on them
And NEVER believe these phrases
You need to realize instead that:
- You are always listening to yourself
- Your mouth plays a key role in your future
- You cannot predict the next day or moment
- Every wall can be torn down or obliterated
- Cycles can and do get broken if you try again
- No wall can withstand God's move in your life
Do not allow walls of limitation to keep you in
Push against it, Speak against it, Pray against it
Don't reinforce it with your mouth, your mind or your belief
You will break through those walls if you keep trying
All the best and Happy Sunday folks
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