We go through life hopping like Kangaroos
From one goal to the next, and the next, no stopping
We are so consumed by the next thing in front of us
That we do not seem to remember the last leap we took
Such that when impediments to our next goal looms;
We can hardly believe it
Because we can see it so clearly in our minds
So we try to force it, then faith it/ think positively
We look back only to recall former strategies
When we still cannot seem to reach it
After so much effort - I mean!
That's when we start complaining.
We start to complain about:
The lack of government infrastructures;
People, resources, finances, economy, culture;
The environment, the goal's difficulty and so on
We conveniently forget:
Past goals we surmounted against all odds;
Times we succeeded in spite of our sub-par effort
The things that have worked in our favor
Yet Thankfulness for past breakthroughs
Reminds us that what we aim for is still possible
It motivates and inspires us when times are tough
It gives us time to reflect on and enjoy past successes
When you complain about the present
You plant a seed of mediocrity on the past
You grow saplings of despair in the present
You harvest misery and cast a dark veil over the future
But When you are thankful for the past;
You birth joy for the past
You nurse patience and peace in the present
You grow your hope for the future
#Complainorbethankful #Future #Present #Past #dreamsandgoals #thankfulness #Complain #MiseryorHope #MaryMary #LyricsCard #akokeade #LyricCardsCentral
Complain or be thankful,
dreams and goals,
Mary Mary,
Saturday, September 22, 2018