If i counted the number of times i thought one thing
But the reality was something else entirely
Well, let's just say it would be somewhere in the hundreds of millions
Our perspective can get really warped
We have a pair of eyes in front of our bodies
And the temptation is always to focus on what is before it
In looking at what is before us only
We completely lose sight of the past
And the future is a blur we can only guess at
And we are not even talking about what is at our sides yet
Or what other people can see from their angles
Even they cannot see it all
So when we process information and situations
Let us factor in that there are myriads of viewpoints
And try to consider as much as we can before we conclude
What your head feels or know is not everything
There is always more than you can ever see or no
So avoid proclaiming doom and damnation when you really do not know it all.
Remember what you think or see or know
Most times it is all in your head
#viewpoint #mind #imagination #reality #nicklachey #akokeade #LyricCardsCentral