Song by @therealmarymary from the Ben Hur Movie
Disbelief, Shock, Intense Pain, Anger, Numbness
Those are things you experience after a betrayal.
In fact you can spend years feeling the Pain and Anger and be numb
The disbelief and shock part move along pretty quick
But even they reverberate for a long time
So here is a quick one for those
Who are caught in the cycle of emotions from betrayal
Do not look at life through it
Do not interpret life through it
It remains painful as long as you stay on it
Life and people have so much more to offer than betrayal
So do not get caught up on people's betrayal
Deliberately push past it
Because you will always find if you look closely
Someone acting in fear of something else
That fear could be poverty for example
Sometimes the people who betray you are enslaved to impulses.
But irrespective of the reason why they betrayed you
You cannot live your life through the lens of that betrayal
Move on. God has something better waiting
Someone else will do something for you that is bigger and better
Than what that one person took from you.
Someone else will take up your cause when you've done nothing for them
So why let betrayal colour how you treat people or even yourself
Today is a new day and it is your right and your choice
To enjoy fellowship and relationships with other people
#betrayal #fellowship #people #lovingothers #Lovingpeople #benhur #MaryMary #akokeade #LyricCardsCentral