What is the value of a storm?
What is the profit of hearbreak?
I used to think the answer
To these questions was 'Nothing'
At other times though I have thought
'You never know, God might hae a plan'
We have these neat things called
'Profit and Loss Account'
But not everything and be valued
And in Life the sheet may never balance
But i have found that whilst the value of
Trials, storms and heartbreak
May not be easily calculated
What we do with them can be valued
The value is the lives we save
Because of what we do with the lesson
It is the value that comes with
Springing into positive action for someone who is where we were
If you have ever come through something
Then know God has placed value in your hands
And you will only ever know what it is worth
Until it saves someone else
So if you wanted to know why i do this
It is for that one extra life that needs help today
It is for those still in the thick of the storm
It is for me and the value i place on my journey
#helping #encouraging #philanthropy
#trial #storm #heartbreak #CeceWinans #akokeade #LyricCardsCentral