I cannot fail them.
You must not fail us.
They must not fail me.
We put the weight on us
They put the weight on us
We put the weight on them
The Weight of expectations
They are counting on me
I am counting on them
So we do and so we say
Shifting the weight around
Hoping someone will opt for the burden
But no one wants the responsibility
And we either endure its weight or drop the ball
If you don't want to fail them
You may end up failing yourself and your dreams
And if you expect them not to fail you
You may end up disappointed in your expectation
No one can really satisfy anyone because expectations evolve and change
Along with the situation and needs of those who have them.
Whilst you ride the Carousel of Expectations - Yours and Theirs
Your dreams will come in and out of focus as the ride revolves
And Yet, actualization will likely remain out of reach
At some point, you must get off that ride
Say 'No More' when you need to
Stay grounded and accept responsibility for your life
And you'll be one step closer to actualization
The Takeaway